Mont Sainte-Marguerite

Chaudière-Appalaches region, Québec

Located within the municipal limits of Saint-Sylvestre, Saint-Séverin, and Sacré-Coeur-de-Jésus, Mont Sainte-Marguerite (MSM) Wind is on private lands surrounded by forests used to produce wood products and maple syrup. 

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  • MSM Wind represents a capital investment of approximately $300 million, with more than 60% spent in Quebec and 35% in the local Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine administrative region, creating substantial economic benefits for the area.

  • Over its first 25 years of operations, MSM Wind expects to pay more than $25 million for property taxes, landowner royalties, and community benefits. 

MSM Wind contributes approximately $800,000 every year to the participating municipalities Saint-Sylvestre, Saint-Séverin, and Sacré-Coeur-de-Jésus to support local needs and community projects. The facility also supports local groups, events, and causes through sponsorships and donations. 

We place great importance on being an active part of the local communities where we have a presence.

Please let us know if your group would like a presentation or if you have suggestions for community sponsorships and local causes we can support. 

Quebec-based Borea Construction managed the yearlong construction period that entailed more than 350 workers on-site during peak activity. With the help of local subcontractors and seasonal workers, about ten team members operate and maintain the facility. 

The project consists of 46 Siemens 3.2 MW direct-drive wind turbines, totaling 143 MW of installed capacity. 

Electricity produced by MSM Wind is equal to the annual needs of about 65,000 people and sold to Hydro Quebec under a 25-year power purchase agreement.

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Get in Touch

226 Rue de l'Eglise
St-Séverin, Quebec G0N 1V0

[email protected]

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Please fill out this form to request a sponsorship or donation in support of a local cause or organization.

Sponsorship request


Documents du projet

Cartes de la configuration du projet

Bulletins d’information

Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE)

Matériel présenté lors de l’événement portes ouvertes des 27 et 28 avril

Étude d’impact sur l’environnement