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We infuse sustainability practices into all we do, from our investments in our communities and commitments to environmental stewardship and safety to how we empower our workforce.

Hunter Armistead CEO, Pattern Energy
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Sharing our practices and performance metrics demonstrates our accountability to our stakeholders and enables us to find new ways to improve.

Our Commitments

Our commitments guide us to sustainably develop, construct, and operate renewable energy facilities, while providing a workplace that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive, where all employees belong.

Health and

There is nothing more important than having our people return home safely at the end of each workday.

2023 Metrics

Employee Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)


Employee + Contractor TRIR


Pattern + Affiliates + Contractors TRIR


Community and

We are committed to listening to and respecting the communities that host our projects and being involved in engagement and giving activities for the long-term.

$2 billion+ local payments estimated over
life of current operating fleet

2023 Metrics

To local economies

$108.3 million

Landowner payments

$77.4 million

Property tax contributions

$22.4 million

Community sponsorships & donations

$8.5 million

Employee donations through Cauze

$80 thousand

Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion

We are committed to providing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace where all employees feel they belong and embedding DEI strategies throughout our value chain.

2022 Metrics


Racial & ethnic diversity (U.S.)


Management roles held by racially & ethnically diverse employees


Women employees


Management roles held by women


Employee turnover


Average employee training hours


We consider it our responsibility to produce and transport renewable energy to consumers in a way that respects the integrity of our environment.

100% clean, renewable energy portfolio

2023 Metrics

17,000 GWh generated = 3.96 million people’s needs

17.8 million mt CO2 avoided = 3.8 million cars off roads


Environmental benefits of our generation compared to average emissions and water consumption of U.S. coal-fired generation

9.2 billion gals H20 conserved = 280,000 people’s needs


Environmental benefits of our generation compared to average emissions and water consumption of U.S. coal-fired generation

712 mtCO2e GHG Scope 1

10,073 mtCO2e GHG Scope 2

Respecting Human Rights

We embed respect for human rights into our business practices. Our Human Rights Statement summarizes our approach, including due diligence, stakeholder engagement and communications, and the governance and grievance mechanisms to hold us accountable. 

Responsible Supply Chain

Our Supplier Code of Conduct establishes the minimum standards that our suppliers should meet related to ethical business practices, the treatment of workers, workplace safety, environmental stewardship, community impacts, and reporting and compliance. 

Green Financing

Our Green Financing Framework helps us further our mission to transition the world to renewable energy and invest in a sustainable future.
