Enterprise Solar

Vulcan County, Alberta

Pattern Canada is developing the Enterprise Solar project in Vulcan County, Alberta. The facility will bring community revenue, local jobs, and benefits lasting generations.

Our approach to building successful facilities is to work closely with residents in a way that is respectful and fits the needs of the landowners and communities that host us. We seek to build partnerships and bring long-term benefits to where we operate. We prioritize relationship building and open communication and aim to address and incorporate feedback, and further local benefits.

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  • Represents a private investment of approximately CAD $175 million, bringing widespread economic benefits to the community.

  • Creates 120-200 construction jobs, including equipment operators, electricians, laborers, and more. We prioritize hiring locally when possible.

    Creates millions of dollars of opportunity for local businesses to provide materials and services.

  • Provides local families with a new reliable income source through land leases and makes significant contributions to the community. The stable, long-term funding will contribute to education, community services, roads, and first responder capabilities.

We are involved in community giving throughout the life of our projects. Acting as a good neighbour benefits both the communities where we develop and the long-term success of our facilities. A Community Benefits Program will support the local economy and ensure benefits to the region have a lasting impact through sponsorships and donations.

We place great importance on being active in the communities where we have a presence.

Please let us know if your group would like a presentation or if you have suggestions for sponsorships and local causes we can support.

Enterprise Solar is being designed as an 80 MWac facility and will provide safe, affordable, and renewable electricity to power the needs of more than 20,000 Albertans yearly. We estimate construction will begin in Summer – Fall 2024 with a goal of achieving commercial operation by the end of 2025.

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Solar FAQ

How does this project benefit my community?

Solar projects represent millions of dollars of investment that provide widespread direct and indirect job creation and economic benefits, including: lease payments to participating landowners, annual revenue payments to local governments that benefit local schools and community services, local jobs both during construction and operations, increased earnings for local vendors and services, and community giving throughout the life of our projects. We strive to find ways to expand benefits for the landowners and communities where we operate. Acting as a good neighbor benefits both the communities where we develop and the long-term success of our facilities.

How will the project be developed? Will it affect farming and ranching?

We are committed to thoughtfully developing facilities with careful consideration of the land and surrounding community, at every stage of the project, from initial siting through decommissioning. A critical step in all of our projects is soliciting feedback to help shape our plans. Through careful site selection, project design, and use of best management practices during construction and operations, our solar facilities are designed to minimize impacts to the natural environment, including wildlife, habitat, and important aquatic resources.

Most of the impacts during construction are temporary and will be restored upon completion. We will work with farmers and ranchers to minimize the impact on farming and ranching operations. We will utilize a common technology whereby steel posts are driven directly into the ground. The posts are pulled out at the end of the facility’s useful life, and the land is restored to its original condition.

The project will utilize a “light on land” approach during construction and operations and will encourage native grasses to grow within the project footprint after construction to provide erosion control and limit dirt and dust from settling on the solar panels.

Are solar facilities safe?

Yes. Solar facilities don’t produce any air emissions or harmful by-products. Additionally, Pattern Energy works exclusively with equipment manufacturers meeting all regulations in place to ensure facilities and materials used are not hazardous to people or the environment.

How visible will the project be to those nearby?

Although the project may be visible from nearby roads and possibly some residences, the overall visual impact is minimal and can be further minimized with fencing and screening. Solar panels typically have a maximum height of 10-15 feet when upright, include a non-reflecting coating, and will be located back and away from roads and most, if not all residences.

Are solar facilities noisy?

Solar projects are effectively silent. Tracking motors and inverters may produce an ambient hum that is not audible beyond the site boundaries.

What is the construction process?

Depending on factors such as seasonal conditions and final project size and design, construction of a solar facility takes, on average, one year to complete. During that time, the following activities can be expected:

  • Site preparation, vegetative clearing, and grading before infrastructure installation begins
  • Building access roads, stormwater management, and driving structural piles
  • Racking and panel delivery and mechanical assembly of solar facility infrastructure
  • Electrical work to run power from panels to inverters to substation
  • Installation of substation and transmission line, as required, for connection to the broader electric grid system
  • Site restoration after construction
How will the facility be maintained?

Once a solar facility is built, the land can be undisturbed for many years, often lending to increased local biodiversity. A long-term maintenance plan will be developed for the facility and the land, which involves keeping the vegetation tidy to keep it from interfering with or shading the panels.

What is the lifespan of a typical solar project?

Solar panels produced today will have a useful lifespan of 35 to 40 years. At the end of the project, the installation will be dismantled, removed and recycled. The facility will have a decommissioning plan in place that will include removal of all infrastructure and  land restoration.

Get in Touch

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Enterprise Solar | Documents



Project Mapping

Project Reports

Consultation Materials

AUC Application February 2021

AUC Project Update June 2021

AUC Approvals July 2021

AUC Approvals December 2022

AUC Approvals Amendments 2023