Western Spirit Wind

Guadalupe, Lincoln and Torrance Counties, New Mexico

Western Spirit Wind includes four wind energy project sites in Central New Mexico: Red Cloud, Duran Mesa, Clines Corners, and Tecolote. Totaling 1,051 MW of installed capacity, Western Spirit Wind represents the most wind power ever constructed as a single phase in the Americas.

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  • Construction of Western Spirit Wind and its accompanying transmission line entailed over 1,000 workers on-site during the 15-month construction period. Reaching operations at the end of 2021, approximately 35 full-time, permanent team members operate and maintain the wind facilities. The number of workers on-site nearly doubles when supplemental maintenance needs arise. 

  • The four wind power facilities that comprise Western Spirit Wind utilize a total of 377 GE wind turbines ranging from 2.3 to 2.8 MW in size. The turbines have various tower heights to optimize energy production.  

  • Western Spirit Wind is projected to provide nearly $3 million per year in new property tax revenues for the three counties and two school districts in the area over its first 25 years of operations. Its affiliated transmission line adds approximately $1 million in additional taxes each year on average over 40 years. 

Western Spirit Wind is giving back to the region through donations to the Tri-County Community Group to establish a Community Benefits Program in the area and to the Community Foundation of Lincoln County for its charitable giving activities. Additionally, a contribution to the Duran Mutual Domestic Heritage Society supports restoring the historic school building, which they will use as a community space for education and cultural purposes.    

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Western Spirit Wind’s annual electricity production is equal to the needs of more than 900,000 people and sold through various power purchase arrangements. Customers include San Jose Clean Energy and the Southern California Public Power Authority that sells energy to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.  

Compared to coal-fired generation, Western Spirit Wind’s annual production conserves more than 2 billion gallons of water, enough water to meet the needs of 64,000 Americans, and avoids nearly 4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, which is equal to taking 845,000 cars off the roads each year. A portion of the energy generated by Western Spirit Wind will utilize transmission lines previously used for a decommissioned coal plant.

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317 Commercial Street NE, Suite 100
Albuquerque, NM 87102

523 Main Street
Corona, NM 88318

[email protected]

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Western Spirit Wind – Documents

On March, 2018, Pattern Energy submitted a location control application to the PRC for the Corona Wind Projects to be located near Corona in Lincoln County. Materials related to this application can be found below.

Amended Joint Application for Location Site Approval of the Expansion of the Corona Wind Projects Reconfiguration of the Proposed Corona Gen-Tie System, Extension of the Corona Gen-Tie System and Request for Right of Way Determination. The original was filed on December 20, 2019 under Case No. 18-00065-UT. The documents have been corrected to reflect the new caption and case number and filed with the NMPRC.

Amended Joint Application

Joint Application | Filed Dec 20, 2019

Notice of Proceeding and Hearing


Joint application for location site approval of the Corona Wind Projects, the Corona Gen-Tie System and request for right of way determination.


Joint application for location site approval of the Corona Wind Projects, the Corona Gen-Tie System and request for right of way determination.

Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Crystal Coffman

On behalf of the Corona Wind Companies

Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Adam Cernea Clark

On behalf of the Corana Wind Companies

Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Ward Marshall

On behalf of the Corona Wind Companies

Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Derek Price

On behalf of the Corona Wind Companies

Direct Testimony of Stan Gray

On behalf of the Corona Wind Companies

Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Christopher Knopp

On behalf of the Corona Wind Companies

Direct Testimony and Exhibits of John Tysseling

On behalf of the Corona Wind Companies

Final Fiscal and Economic Impact Study

Supplemental Direct Testimony of Greg Parent

Errata Notice – Direct Testimony of Adam Cernea Clark

Errata Notice – Direct Testimony of Crystal Coffman

Errata to Testimony of Derek Price

Corona Wind Environmental Report

Torrance County Special Use District Application

(NM) Clines Corners Wind Farm LLC


Western Spirit Wind Factsheet