We thought folks would enjoy getting to know some of the people working for Pattern Energy. Our people are doing their jobs proficiently every day, in many different roles; renewable energy has a lot of moving parts! (Pun intended.)
Today, we’d like to introduce you to Crystal Coffman, Director of Business Development for Pattern Energy!
Where are you from?
“I am originally from Lubbock, Texas, and my husband Brad is from New Orleans, Louisiana. We currently live in the historic Montrose neighborhood in Houston, Texas.”

Crystal and her Dad at Grady Wind, New Mexico.
What does a, “Business Development Manager” do, exactly?
“I’m glad you asked, because I really love my job! It is my responsibility to get renewable energy projects ‘shovel ready,’ which means before one shovel of dirt is moved, I bring all the pieces together.
Some of the questions I need to answer when a new project is being proposed:
Is there community and landowner support?
Is there transmission available, or do we need to build new power lines?
What about meteorology? Does the wind blow steadily enough? What time of day does the wind blow?
Environmental: Are we being good to the environment and taking all factors into account before we build?
Legal: There are always contracts for everything.
Finance: How exactly are we paying to build this project, and what’s the budget?”
As you can see, my job is never boring and always interesting.
Do you have a team?
“I do! I am very lucky to have Angela Gonzales and Jeremy Turner as my direct line reports. They both live in Santa Fe, and together we do a lot of great work. It is a true pleasure working with such talented people.”

Parker Coffman.
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve gotten while working for Pattern Energy?
“I have been with Pattern Energy since the beginning,” (Crystal laughed here) “and I have to say, this isn’t a surprise, but it’s like I work with family. From the very beginning, we have lived our values, and the people I work with feel like family members.
I get to say, ‘I work with my family,’ when people ask about my job, and I mean it. Not too many places have a work environment like Pattern Energy does.”
What do you and your husband, Brad, like to do for fun?
“As I mentioned, my husband Brad is from New Orleans, and one thing we really enjoy is having a crawfish boil with friends. Brad does the cooking. We also have a dog, Parker, who is awesome.”

A Caribou picture taken while on vacation, Denali National Park.
A Caribou picture taken while on vacation, Denali National Park.
You mentioned working ‘with family’ at Pattern Energy as a bonus. Is that the best part of your job?
“There are two things that are the best part of my job. I consider myself lucky to be working in a field I enjoy with people I love.
Beyond what I said about working with family- and that is true- I am able to see the direct impact my work makes in society, and for America at large.
When I get involved in a new project, there isn’t anything there until my team gets to work. Once a project is built, I am able to go to the project site and see our turbines generating clean, renewable energy. We at Pattern Energy are making a real difference for the future; this is my reputation and my legacy. Along with everyone at Pattern Energy, we are making a difference, and I take a tremendous amount of pride in that.”

Crystal and Brad Coffman on vacation in Mexico.