Delta Wind Birds’s Sky Lake Nature Reserve is a 14-acre site on the shore of an oxbow lake in Humprehys County, Mississippi.
Delta Wind Birds is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and creating wetlands, fostering ecotourism, and raising awareness of migratory birds and their habitats.
The Sky Lake Nature Reserve consists of cypress tupelo wetlands, open water, woods, and fields. The animals and birds in the reserve change with the seasons. In spring visitors are likely to see Prothonotary Warblers, Painted Buntings, and Blue Grosbeaks. In winter and fall the populations change as birds move through their migratory cycles.
The constantly evolving diversity of life at the reserve highlights its ecological importance not only for the local area, but for bird life throughout the western hemisphere.
Phase 1 Infrastructure Project
Delta Wind Birds is raising funds to improve the infrastructure around Sky Lake Nature Reserve. The reserve currently lacks parking, marked trails, and boat launches. The lack of facilities increases the risk of unintentional damage from visitors.
Building the reserve’s infrastructure for visitors will improve accessibility for people who want to enjoy the site’s natural beauty, while also protecting its fragile ecosystem.
Delta Wind Birds has planned floating boardwalks and viewing platforms. These will allow visitors to enjoy the reserve’s wildlife without disturbing the ecosystem. The goal is to create new opportunities for visitors to come to the reserve and learn about its place in the ecosystem.
Why Help Birds?
Mississippi is blessed with stunning environmental beauty unique to our corner of the world, and it to preserve it for the future, it takes a lot of partners.
Sky Lake Nature Reserve plays a critical role in the migrations of birds from as far away as the Arctic Circle as they make their yearly flight to South America.
They depend on the type of environment Sky Lake Nature Reserve provides, such as shallow water and mud flats.
To learn more about the ecological role of habitats like those found at Sky Lake Nature Reserve, check out this video: How Nature Works: Barrier Island Foraging Strategies.
Pattern Energy’s Southern Spirit Transmission is pleased to be among the sponsors of Phase 1 of the Delta Wind Birds Sky Lake Nature Reserve infrastructure project. Our teammates live and work in the communities and we want to see the region thrive both now and for future generations.