Pattern Energy Supports Ruidoso Neighbors

Scott Ross, Facility Manager at Western Spirit Wind

July 9, 2024

At Pattern Energy, we’re invested in the communities we serve and where we live and work. Not only because we value being an active part of these communities, but because our team members have roots in New Mexico and Arizona. Like everyone else, we are shocked by the destruction caused by the South Fork and Salt Fires in Lincoln County. Scott Ross, our Facility Manager at Western Spirit Wind in Central NM, shares his thoughts on the fires, and the ways Pattern Energy is offering support.

As was the case for so many of us here in New Mexico, the wildfires that ripped through Ruidoso also tore through my heart.

Many of Pattern Energy’s employees have family ties to Ruidoso, including me. My granddaughter was born in Ruidoso. Other members of the Pattern team have grown up in Ruidoso, live in Lincoln County, or have a personal connection to the community there.

For so many of us, New Mexico is our home, and it has been inspiring to see all New Mexicans come together to help our fellow residents in their time of need, and Pattern Energy wants to do as much as we can to help rebuild the community in Ruidoso.

On behalf of all our employees in New Mexico, Pattern Energy has made a $25,000 donation to the Shelter Fund at the Community Foundation of Lincoln County to be used to directly support residents of Lincoln County who have been impacted by the fires, and now the flooding. Pattern Energy gladly made this donation on behalf of our New Mexico field teams from Western Spirit Wind, Broadview Wind, Grady Wind, and SunZia Wind and Transmission.

The donation helps support the impactful community rebuilding efforts that the amazing crew at The Shelter Fund have already begun.

“This generous donation ensures that The Shelter Fund has the resources to continue making grants to help members of the community who have lost their homes, and so much more, because of the wildfires and floods,” said Barbara Sultemeier, Board Member of the Community Foundation of Lincoln County. “The Shelter Fund is committed to the residents of Lincoln County. It warms our hearts to see members of the community pitching in to help our neighbors.”

Pattern Energy is committed to being a good neighbor for the long-term to all of the communities where we have a project footprint, including Lincoln County.

We urge others to help by contributing to The Shelter Fund at